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“I stand with you, working across party lines for common-sense solutions – from strengthening our border to reinstating the SALT deduction, to protecting our air and water, I’ll always reject extremism and work to find solutions that make a difference for you and your family.”
“The people sent a clear message that they are sick of the partisanship, they are sick of extremism. They want us to work together to solve tough problems like securing the border and reinstating the SALT deduction. I am grateful the voters in Nassau, Suffolk, and Queens are sending me back to Congress so I can continue to fight for bipartisan common sense solutions to help make people’s lives better.”
“I stand with you, working across party lines for common-sense solutions – from strengthening our border to reinstating the SALT deduction, to protecting our air and water, I’ll always reject extremism and work to find solutions that make a difference for you and your family.”
“The people sent a clear message that they are sick of the partisanship, they are sick of extremism. They want us to work together to solve tough problems like securing the border and reinstating the SALT deduction. I am grateful the voters in Nassau, Suffolk, and Queens are sending me back to Congress so I can continue to fight for bipartisan common sense solutions to help make people’s lives better.”
Tom Suozzi
Let's Fix This

Tom Suozzi, trained as an attorney and CPA, has served as Nassau County Executive, Mayor of Glen Cove and was re-elected in 2024 as Congressman for New York’s 3rd Congressional District.
Tom has committed his 30-year public service career to delivering for his constituents. His philosophy of working with anyone who shares his goal of solving problems and delivering for his constituents has guided his career and led to notable accomplishments on issues including protecting the environment, common-sense gun safety, full access to reproductive health care, immigration, caring for our veterans, affordable healthcare, and fiscal responsibility.

American Postal Workers Union – Local 3251


Amalgamated Transit Union


Bold Democrats

Brady PAC

Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen

CWA Communication Workers of America

Hotel and Gaming Trades Council

IATSE Local One

Italian American Democratic Leadership Council

Jewish Democratic Council of America


Nassau County PBA

National Postal Mail Handlers Union – Local 300

New York City Building Trades



NY State Building Trades


RWDSU Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union

SMART – The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers

Steamfitters Local 638

UAW Region 9A
Suozzi Tells Congress to "Wake Up!"
February 29, 2024
Suozzi Tells Congress to "Wake Up!"
February 29, 2024
Tom Suozzi
Let's Fix This

Tom Suozzi, trained as an attorney and CPA, has served as Nassau County Executive, Mayor of Glen Cove and was re-elected in 2024 as Congressman for New York’s 3rd Congressional District.
Tom has committed his 30-year public service career to delivering for his constituents. His philosophy of working with anyone who shares his goal of solving problems and delivering for his constituents has guided his career and led to notable accomplishments on issues including immigration, environment, common-sense gun reform, caring for our veterans, affordable healthcare, and fiscal responsibility.
Tom in the News
Tom on the Issues
What They're Saying
Nassau County PBA President Tommy Shevlin, 9/23/2024:
“This is a very important endorsement for the Nassau County Police Benevolent Association and the police world. It shows that police officers are willing to work with anyone who is willing to support us. We are not Republicans or Democrats, we are police officers. We need somebody who is willing to stand behind us and Congressman Tom Suozzi has done just that. The Congressman stands for common sense and making sure that our police officers are supported and protected. This is what allows them to continue to do the brave work that they do day in and day out to protect our communities.”
Glen Cove PBA 2nd Vice President Peter Michaleas, 9/23/2024:
“The Glen Cove PBA is pleased to announce their endorsement of Congressman Tom Suozzi. Congressman Suozzi has a long standing relationship with the Glen Cove PBA and has demonstrated a commitment to public Safety and Law Enforcement in New York’s 3rd congressional district. The Glen Cove PBA does not typically endorse Democrat congressional candidates but Congressman Suozzi is not your typical Democrat on Long Island. Congressman Suozzi has always taken a common sense approach to public safety, and has never backed away from crime being a real issue in Glen Cove, from the time he was mayor, county executive and now as a member of Congress. Congressman Suozzi has always had the backs of law enforcement and supported us. So we are very proud to have his back and support him in his re-election”
Axios 8/20/24:
“Democrats are turning to Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) as one of their messengers on immigration and border security…”
Axios 2/15/24:
“Why it matters: Even Republicans acknowledge that Democrat Tom Suozzi’s embrace of stricter border policy — and his attacks on Republicans for rejecting the Senate’s bipartisan border bill — contributed to his eight-point victory.”
New York Times – 2/15/24:
“But this time, Mr. Suozzi, who watched fellow Democrats all but concede the issue to Republicans that year, was determined not to repeat the mistake.
So, over the course of the two-month race, he broke with party orthodoxy, calling on Mr. Biden to shut down the southern border and demanding that migrants charged with assaulting police officers in Times Square be deported. But his primary focus was bipartisanship, with the message that “solutions are not sound bites.”
NY Daily News – 2/2/24:
“The district deserves a return to seriousness and sanity and experience. The avenue is clear. Tom Suozzi.”
Newsday – 2/2/24:
“Suozzi consistently showed his inclination, particularly while in Congress, to work with both Republicans and Democrats to effect important changes on matters vital to the nation and, especially, Long Islanders…Suozzi is ready to help forge political compromises to alleviate the migrant crisis, even if it is to the chagrin of progressive members of his own party….Suozzi was a leader in the successful effort to get the House to vote to raise the SALT cap to $80,000 as part of the Build Back Better Act, but the Senate refused to go along with the House proposal.”