For Immediate Release:
February 11, 2024
NEW AD: Mazi Pilip Won’t Fix the SALT Cap
Pilip’s fellow Long Island Republicans have been in Congress 13 months and have not cast a single vote to repeal the State and Local Tax cap that’s hurting New Yorkers
Pilip herself has no plan to fix it
Glen Cove, NY– Today, the Suozzi for Congress campaign is releasing a new digital ad – titled “Working On It” – blasting Mazi Pilip and her fellow Long Island Republicans for getting nothing done to remove the SALT cap, which was originally imposed by Donald Trump in 2017 and has put an unfair burden on working families in New York.
During last week’s debate, Pilip showed no understanding of the issue, did not provide specifics on how she would get the SALT restoration passed in Congress, and just kept repeating that she could do it, never making clear her plan to do so. It’s worth noting that her only contribution to many legislative meetings in Nassau County Legislature was saying, “here.”
“In Congress, I put together a bipartisan coalition to pass SALT three times in the House. My opponent and her Long Island Republican colleagues have no plan whatsoever to get it done. Working families in New York’s Third Congressional District need and deserve action on this very important issue. If you want to lower taxes, I’m the only one who can make that happen,” said Suozzi.
Let’s talk taxes.
Republicans have been in control of Congress for 13 months and haven’t cast a single vote to repeal the State and Local Tax cap that’s crushing New Yorkers.
Now at the debate, instead of offering solutions, Mazi Pilip is offering excuses.
‘They are working on it. They are working on it.’
But they’re not working on it.
Just this week, Republicans canceled a vote on SALT.
And when pressed for specifics on how she’d get it done, Pilip said, ‘I’m very good at working with people.’
‘You have to build –’
Tom Suozzi will get something done because he already has.
‘When I served in Congress, despite enormous opposition from the Republican Party, and even members of my own party, I passed a restoration of the SALT deduction three times. Three times.’
That’s the choice.
The person who has gotten something done on SALT. Or the person who hasn’t.
‘They are working on it. They are working on it.’
Tom Suozzi, trained as an attorney and CPA, is the former Congressman for New York’s 3rd Congressional District, Nassau County Executive, and Mayor of Glen Cove. Tom has committed his 30-year public service career to delivering for his constituents. His philosophy of working with anyone who shares his goal of solving problems and delivering for his constituents has guided his career and led to notable accomplishments on issues including protecting the environment, common-sense gun safety, full access to reproductive health care, immigration, caring for our veterans, affordable healthcare, and fiscal responsibility.